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Can Windscreen Scratches and Cracks Cause an MOT Fail?

Car owners never look forward to their MOT because there are so many small things that can lead to a fail.  But one area that is often overlooked is cracks or scratches in the car windscreen, the body glass or rear screen.  So can these cause an MOT fail?

Can Windscreen Scratches and Cracks Cause an MOT Fail

Windscreens and the MOT

There are a few areas around the windscreen that you can run into problems with on your MOT.  Some of them are very easy to remedy while others will need some help from companies handling cracks or windscreen scratches in Bournemouth.  The three most common windscreen fails are:

  • Not enough liquid to clear the windscreen alongside the windscreen wipers
  • Windscreen wipers are missing or are in poor condition so that they don’t clear the windscreen when used and the view ahead is obscured
  • There is a chip or crack in the windscreen that is more than 1cm in the driver’s line of vision which is a vertical strip that is 29cm wide and reached up from the steering wheel. Alternatively, there are cracks or chips that are more than 4cm elsewhere in the area covered by the windscreen wipers

There can also be problems if van conversions haven’t been carried out to the right standards.  So if you want to have extra windows added to your van, you need to ensure that professionals do them.

Windscreen zones

To help you judge whether you need to call a mobile service for crack repair or windscreen replacement, it helps to know a little about the zones of the windscreen and the maximum size of damage in these areas.

Zone A is the driver’s line of sight mentioned above.  This is a 29cm area from the steering wheel to the top arc of the windscreen wipers and this is the place that is most likely to cause a problem with the MOT.  A crack or chip here bigger than 1cm will lead to a fail.

Zone B is either side of this and is the area where the windscreen wipers cover on the driver’s side.  Here the maximum chip size can be 1.5cm.  Zone C is the remainder of the windscreen wiper area on the passenger’s side and here chips can be a maximum of 2.5cm without causing problems.  Finally, the rest of the window is termed Zone D and here chips can be up to 4cm without running into MOT issues.

Cracks on other car glass

If you have damage to the rear screen of the car, then the rules are a little different.  Rear windscreens are not viewed in the same way as front windscreens and neither are side windows.  They can be an issue if they cause problems under the driver’s view of the road section of the MOT.  In this, the tester will look to see if you can use rear view mirrors or ‘indirect vision devices’ which include cameras and side mirrors.  So if you have damage in rear or side windows that stop this, it may be a problem.

If you have windscreen problems and are unsure whether your vehicle might fail its MOT, why not contact Top Mark Windscreens for advice?

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4 Tips to Having Your Windscreen Replaced Sat, 02 Feb 2019 20:18:18 +0000

4 Tips to Having Your Windscreen Replaced

So you are driving along, heading to your destination and suddenly there’s a loud crack.  You slow down, maybe pull over and look for what’s wrong.  Then you spot it – a crack or scratch in your windscreen.  It looks pretty bad, one of those cracks that seem to look like a star.  Or maybe those scratches that seem the length of your finger.  Whatever the case, there’s a chance you might need to have your windscreen replaced.  Here’s what to do.

Windscreen Replaced Bournemouth

Find your insurance paperwork

The first step is to find your insurance paperwork and see if you are covered.  Different companies have different cover, but the majority of comprehensive policies will include repair or replacement for your windscreen.  Most will use companies that specialise in windscreen scratches in Bournemouth and you can also ask to use your own preferred company.

Check excess and terms

Armed with your insurance paperwork, you will want to check the terms of the repair.  For example, some companies might not have an excess, but most do.  However, if the scratch or crack is repaired, this excess often isn’t due.  For some insurers, they can charge so much that it is worth repairing at your own cost! 

The other thing to look at is if there is damage to the body glass of the car as well as the windscreen – do you have to pay more than one excess?  Also are there any conditions if you have had a van conversion and the windows aren’t ones that come as standard to the vehicle?  It can be worth calling your insurer to check these things before making a claim.

Repair or replace?

Whether you are paying for it yourself or your insurance company is covering the costs, the next step of the process is the same.  You can have a mobile service that comes to you and they will inspect the damage to see if it can be repaired or if you need a replacement windscreen.

If the damage is small or not in the driver’s view area, then it can often be repaired.  This doesn’t take very long and can be done at the side of the road, at your home or workplace.  Technicians will clean the crack or scratch to make sure there is no debris in it.  Then they can fill it with a clear resin that fills in the damage and has similar properties to glass.

If a replacement is needed, this can also be done at the side of the road.  The technician may need to order the windscreen and come back to make the replacement.  But they may also be able to have parts ready ahead so the job can be done all in one visit.

Warranty with work

Once the job is done, you will get a warranty with the new windscreen.  This lets you know that you have had a quality job done and should there be any issues, you can go back to the company and they will sort it for you.

Windscreen Replacement in Bournemouth

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When Can a Cracked Windscreen be Repaired? Wed, 23 Mar 2016 10:29:34 +0000

When Can a Cracked Windscreen be Repaired?

Cracks and windscreen scratches in Bournemouth are a fact of life – those little bits of debris from the roads that bounce up and cause damage.  But as a car owner, cracks and scratches are a headache because it means a replacement window.  Or does it?  When can a cracked windscreen be repaired rather than replaced?

Cracked Windscreen Bournemouth

Why taking action quickly is important

Windscreens rarely crack because they are tough and designed to withstand a lot.  But they do pick up cracks and chips which can seem innocuous.  However, experts in windscreens, body glass and van conversions say that it is important to get someone to look at the chip or crack as quickly as possible.  Here are four reasons:

  1. The windscreen is a key part of the car’s structure and helps with strength. When there is damage to the windscreen, this structure is weakened
  2. Windscreens suffer from mechanical stress such as driving over potholes or speed bumps that can cause a crack to widen
  3. Thermal shock is another problem where temperatures change in cold weather and we put the heater on which can weaken the windscreen when it is chipped or cracked
  4. Repairs can often be done but the chip needs to be clean so the longer it is there, the dirtier it gets and lowers the chance that it can be repaired

Repair or replacement?

Whether you visit a garage or use a quality mobile service to visit you and look at the problem, the same assessment is carried out.  It involves looking at the size of the damage and where it is on the windscreen.

The A-Zone is defined as an area around 30cm (12 inches) wide that is roughly upwards of the steering wheel.  This is the key area that drivers use to see out of the windscreen.  In this area, chips can be repaired if they are up to 1 cm in width.  Outside this area, chips can be repaired if they are under 4cm.

Another consideration is if the crack is near the edge of the windscreen.  This doesn’t affect the driver’s view, but it can damage the structural integrity of the windscreen.  This will mean it needs to be replaced, even if it is small.

Why cracks and scratches are treated differently

It is also worth knowing that cracks, chips and scratches are treated differently when it comes to assessing whether to repair or replace a windscreen.  Star cracks are the ones where little spikes stretch out from the central impact spot and these are the most likely to be repairable.

Stress cracks are those that have been caused by temperature changes or accidents and are less likely to be repaired because they impact the overall strength of the car.  Scratches might sound the least problematic but in reality, scratches can cause problems with the driver’s vision, especially in low sun times of the day.  Sometimes they can be polished out but are often too shallow to fill with resin in the same way as cracks or chips.

Windscreen Replacement in Bournemouth

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